supt message

Dear West Genesee Families and Staff,

Recently, I was in a professional situation with a group of individuals working together on a similar task. The topic was of high interest to the participants, which can be helpful due to the motivation that comes with joining a group. That said, the opposite can be true as familiarity, emotion, and strong opinions can impact the group dynamic, as well. I thought to myself “This is going to be interesting."

And it was.

The group was, and still is, experiencing a process that is known as forming, storming, norming, and performing. The theory is attributed and outlined by Bruce Tuckman, a psychological researcher. It is a quick expression that describes how groups come together, discover differences, establish norms to guide themselves (the understood rules, if you will), and make progress toward high performance. Meeting and establishing routines is helpful to stay on task and maximize a group’s time together.

The process is fluid and will waver between stages, as any relationship or group does. This particular group is making its way and experiencing small setbacks with quick recovery. What I am struck by is the understanding of discourse and the role of disagreeing or having opposing viewpoints, while maintaining a respectful approach. They are listening, considering new ideas, suggesting connections with alternatives, and truly working together while staying true to their own background and perspective.

The above was a regional experience, however, it reminds me of the many, many groups at West Genesee that come together with ad hoc projects, long range planning, and newly formed committees. This is a way of life and part of “co-laboring” that involves varied perspectives. When done with integrity, it can be very powerful.

It directly translates to the skills we develop in our students. Athletic teams, music ensembles, group projects, clubs, and student organizations, to name a few, are part of the many experiences that our students encounter that foster a growing repertoire and skill set for life.

While with the regional group, I was proud to know I work in a place that respects the exchange of ideas, partnerships, and discourse that invites multiple views and respectful interchange. It’s not easy, but is possible and worth the effort.

Perhaps that is part of what makes it, with great frequency, a great day to be a Wildcat!!


David C. Bills, Superintendent of Schools

Oh, and by the way…Shout out to our towns and District personnel that plow and help us to sort through challenging weather. Look for one of these dedicated individuals and tell them “thank you”!!

Message from the Superintendent-January 31, 2024

Dear West Genesee Families,

On behalf of the entire District, we extend our sincere gratitude to our dedicated transportation department and buildings and grounds crews for their exceptional work during the recent heavy snowfall and challenging road conditions.

Their commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff is truly commendable. Despite the early mornings, long hours, and difficult conditions, they consistently went above and beyond to clear our roads, parking lots, and walkways, allowing for a safe and productive learning environment for all.

We recognize and appreciate their hard work and dedication, which often goes unseen. Their efforts are essential in keeping our schools running smoothly, especially during inclement weather.

As Nelson Mandela once said, "It always seems impossible until it's done." Thank you to our incredible teams for getting it done, day after day!

A Friendly Reminder: Please continue to monitor local media sources for any announcements regarding potential school delays or cancellations, as well as any changes to after-school and evening activities.


David C. Bills, Superintendent of Schools